EXTRA H2O is a device for the treatment of waters for industrial and/or home use.

The product is composed of a filtration element and an ionizing unit.

  • ExtraH2O is a patented electronic device for the treatment of drinking water for civil and industrial use, with anti-scaling and antibacterial functions.
  • ExtraH2O generates a high intensity pulsed electric field (PEF Pulsed Electric Field), converting the limestone into aragonite, without altering the chemical-organic characteristics of the water
  • ExtraH2O is an eco-friendly device
  • ExtraH2O is able to monitor conductivity (water hardness) in real time, measuring its resistance, adjusting the necessary power and  guaranteeing considerable energy savings
  • ExtraH2O is a modular device that can be perfectly scaled according to the size of the system, it can be mounted like a simple molecular sieve filter, with no load losses
  • ExtraH2O filters: impurities, chemicals, microbes, preventing the formation of bacteria, fungus, algae
  • ExtraH2O can be assembled at the beginning of the system, in order to involve all the plumbing
  • ExtraH2O allows to eliminate the storage tanks for the treatment of the incoming water, gaining space, saving energy and maintenance costs.
  • ExtraH2O allows the treatment and recovery of outgoing water, without antibacterial chemical treatments, favoring the circular economy of an extremely precious raw material

Click here for the Technical Data Sheet of the product
